Improving digital security with natural selection Published online September 2014
"Human cryptanalysts are the best at keeping data secure. So how could a cryptanalysis program be made more like a human?" Getting closer to quantum computing with the grid Published online July 2014 "How scientists in Serbia are contributing to our understanding of Bose-Einstein Condensates and how they will lead to a new computing paradigm." Grid computing aids battle to reduce groundwater toxicity ISGTW. Published online July 2014 "For centuries, humankind has created and harnessed various chemicals in industry and research. They are not all benign, though." Tracking a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease Published online January 2014 "The challenge is to distinguish between the normal signs of aging and the beginning of Alzheimer’s." Virtual Space Published online February 2014 "3D visualisation of the cosmos is now being carried out on unprecedented scales- and it is accessible to anyone."
The Exxon, the Venter, and the Algae
"What will ExxonMobil benefit from more- green biofuel, or publicity?" Fungal Fuel "Perhaps this has the beginnings of a wonderful story: an accidental discovery of a new species leads to solutions for the most pressing energy problems facing mankind today. Our salvation was found in the rainforest’s biodiversity." Future Still Green for Biofuels? "It was the stuff you had to scrub out of fish tanks, and that you thought might kill you if you went swimming in lakes filled with the blue-green variety. It was around and irreversibly changing the Earth’s atmosphere millions of years ago. Algae." |